
What are points?

You earn points for participating in events and activities within the club! The 3 with the highest points for the year will win prizes at the end of spring semester! The next 7 highest point earners will be put into a raffle for other smaller prizes! The more you participate in the club, the better your chances to win!

Points Breakdown:

Social Media + Discord

Follow us on social media and join our discord to earn 1 point! You must do BOTH to earn the point. Email us a screenshot of you following our Instagram (@taekwondoucf) and comment your name on our discord under the “discord-check-in” channel. Following our socials is the best way to stay updated on club events and information!

Charity Drives

Earn a point for each donation item you bring for any drives the club holds! You can get up to 8 points in donations!


Each time you come to practice you earn a point! Earn up to 3 points a week! Make sure you sign in at the beginning of practice (both links) to get your point!


You can get a point for every practice you help clean the mats after!


Sign up to help us table to recruit new members and bring awareness to our club! Tabling will usually be 2-3 hours with limited spots available! Sign-ups will be posted in the discord. You can earn one point for each hour you table!


Earn points by just having fun with the club! Earn 2 points for every social we host! Socials are usually local and carpool is available upon request.

Belt Tests

Earn 3 points for testing for your next belt or supporting your fellow club members! We have one belt test each semester! Make sure you are checking our curriculum to prepare for the belt test!

SCC Events

Attend events organized by the Sport Clubs Council (SCC) to not only earn 3 points, but help the club earn money for the coming semester! By going to SCC events, you directly support the club!

Joint Events

Earn 3 points by participating in any joint event our club does! We aim to be involved in other clubs at UCF along with other Taekwondo Clubs from other universities! Represent the club and interact with some new people and clubs!


Earn points by supporting the club and helping us raise funds for tournaments, equipment and parties! We primarily fundraise with Contemporary Services Corporation (CSC) to aid in crowd control and security at Football games and Concerts! At these events, you will aid in ticket scanning, bag checking, or security for approximately 4 hours. By participating, the club will earn partial proceeds from the event! Earn 5 points for each fundraising event you attend!


(The tournament points may be changed)

Whether you are representing UCF by competing or supporting our members by spectating, you can earn points! Earn up to 8 points for attending a tournament! Carpooling will be available for every tournament.